Over the years, Vince Brandys, OD ’90 has served in quite a few roles at ICO. He worked with continuing education, spent years in government relations and external affairs, and now has taken on the new role of Senior Director of Development and External Affairs. "Having spent a large part of my career both in private practice and in Springfield/Washington, D.C. working to expand the scope of optometry, I have gotten to know many optometrists. I wanted the opportunity to connect with alumni more directly, and this was a great opportunity to do so. Just like the profession of optometry, ICO is an institution that has significantly changed over the years. This position allows me to represent both newer and older ICO alumni. I serve as a liaison between the College and its alumni. I serve both as a source of information, but also, by having a good understanding of both our alumni's and ICO's needs, I can cultivate alumni support for ICO's overarching mission. Especially during the pandemic, it's been important to open these lines of communication."