With nearsightedness on the rise, myopia management is a topic gaining much attention in the optometric world. ICO has recently engaged in several myopia-related initiatives.
The IEI is now operating a clinic specifically focused on myopia control. This service area not only benefits patients, but also provides educational opportunities for students and residents.
Dr. Yi Pang is leading several clinical trials funded by NIH, NEI, and other foundations and corporations. Through this research, IEI patients experience new treatments that may improve myopia control.
Recently, a group of Chinese delegates visited ICO to learn about myopia management and our institution’s best practices. This meeting opened the door to potential collaborations with our international colleagues in the future.
A group of middle and high school students from the Midwest Asian Health Association (MAHA) visited ICO in July this year. The students exhibited strong interest in learning about myopia and how to prevent it. Sing Tao Daily News and SinoVision TV Network interviewed Drs. Kelly Yin and Pang to spread the word.