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DONORS CORNER: Linda Gorman In Memory of Stanley Gorman, OD '71



Stanley and I met in 1968 when I was a senior at the all-female Michael Reese Hospital School of Nursing. Stan was a freshman at ICO. My school had dances where we invited men from the local professional schools. I graduated as an RN a few months after meeting Stan and then began my nursing career at Michael Reese in the Psychiatry department. Stan made the trek back and forth on foot from ICO to my Prairie Shores apartment many a weekend. We got married a few months after he graduated from ICO in 1971. We’d always planned to go to Los Angeles (where Stan was from), so we packed up his Chrysler Newport and drove across the country.

Stan loved being an optometrist. As the years went on, he often talked about wanting to give back to ICO because he felt the school had given him so much. We both valued education. He supported me returning to school, and I eventually got my master’s degree in nursing at UCLA.

We talked about the possibility of donating, even visiting ICO to speak with Dr. Mark Colip, but never got around to it. When Stan passed away in 2017, I knew I had to pursue his wishes. Going through old papers, I found a folder that Dr. Colip had given us. Stan had written a few notes inside, including “Low Vision” and “Rosenbloom Center.” I took that as a sign.

Last fall, I toured the Illinois Eye Institute. The level of expertise available to the patients is amazing and provides such an exceptional clinical experience for the students. When I walked into the Rosenbloom Center, I knew that Stan would be pleased to have his name associated with it in some way. Stan often talked

about Dr. Rosenbloom when he was in school.

Stan was able to complete optometry school without debt. Knowing how important that was to our life together, establishing a scholarship in his name was another way to achieve his wishes. I hope the scholarship will contribute to ICO attracting the best students, especially those from families who haven’t had the opportunity for advanced education.

As many people do, we put off taking action on our philanthropic plans. We had the best of intentions, but time got away from us. I am very happy to have the opportunity to see Stan’s name associated with the school and profession he loved. I know he would be very happy. For those of you considering giving, envision how your life has changed because of ICO and how you might want to support them now.

~ Linda Gorman, MN


To speak to someone about making a gift to ICO, please contact the Development Office at ICO 312.949.7071 or

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