There's something so exciting about those first few days in a new office. Those first interactions with the campus are often the most memorable. However, my first few months were remote. Because I joined ICO in April, I was, like the rest of campus, working from a makeshift home office. I watched remotely as fourth-year students' names were called for commencement, as we welcomed the class of 2024, and as the communications team tried to orient me to life at ICO — all while never having stepped on campus.
As an office, we ask ourselves daily "Why ICO?" We try our best to tell ICO’s story. But how do you tell the story of a campus you have never seen?
Over the months, what makes ICO so uniquely itself has become clearer to me. More than any other institution I have worked at, the two words that have stood out to me since joining ICO, is "ICO Family." Nowhere else have I found a school so in tune to one overarching goal. While working on this magazine, I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with alumni as well. I have so enjoyed getting to know some of the unique people who make ICO what it is today.
It makes my job all the more engaging being able to be a part of this wonderful community.
Nora Matland
Director of Marketing and Communications