We wanted to take a moment to acknowledge Iman Moore and our colleagues at the IEI for all their amazing outreach initiatives. These events are almost always held on Saturdays. Students and IEI staff are giving up some of their weekend to raise awareness about eye health and the IEI.
Here are the events we’ve participated in just since the last ICO Matters was published: May: Englewood Empowerment Expo, Spring into Wellness; June: Near North Men's Health Fair; July: LoveFest Health Fest; August: Representation Matters Healthcare Career Fair, Shine Bright Back to School Bash, Latino Family Health Wellness & Health Equity Fiesta Tour 2023 and in October: Blue Cross Blue Shield Vision Screenings in the Little Village. Thank you to Iman and everyone from the IEI who takes part in these events. You make our presence in the community so much stronger!